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4 Times When You Know You Have The Right Job And You Should Stick To It

4 Times When You Know You Have The Right Job And You Should
Stick To It
Finding the right job is hard. Many hop from one organisation to the other hoping to fit in. Some find the right place and some do not. Then there are times when you do not know that the place where you are at currently is the right place or not. If you are one within the confused lot then do think about these before making the skip.

Your boss praises you on most occasions
You know you are doing an okay job, but your boss is always giving you the positive encouragement needed to perform better. Many firms fail to do so, however if your boss is giving you the much needed praises every now and then, then you know you are in the right place.

You get your due credit at work
If a fellow employee or worse your boss is not giving you the due credit for your work then it makes perfect sense to skip. Office colleagues and bosses can be mean, they might try to pull you down at every nook and corner. If you are getting credit for your work then don’t make the mistake of leaving this job.

Your remuneration matches your performance
Salary is an important part of work life. Well, all of us are working to make a good living with a decent salary. If you are not overworked in the office and you are getting the right amount of wage for your efforts, you might as well stick on.

There is scope of growth
Many Indian offices become stagnant over time. This could be due to lethargic ambitions or lack of a structure. If you do not see any growth in the current organisation or you are falling prey to slow movement, at that time the thought of the next job would cross your mind. But if the organisation is on the fast track to growth then you know what to do. Stay glued to that office chair.


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