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5 reasons why MIT is better than IIT

5 reasons why MIT is better than IIT
Entertainment1 min read
The Indian education system is far behind when compared to other countries. The top notch institutions such as IITs and IIMs lag behind institutes such as Harvard, MIT, Stanford, etc.

When we look at undergraduate programmes and compare US with India, there is a stark difference in teaching methodology, practical approach, brain storming, etc. Even though India is now stressing on innovation at college level and bringing out several initiatives, it will take a long time to reach the point where a Harvard of Stanford sits.

Anil K Gupta, Michael D. Dingman Chair in Strategy and Entrepreneurship, University of Maryland, had once stated institutions like MIT and Stanford, the technology power houses of the US, the undergraduate students that are coming out really don’t do any research. There could be a rare example of an undergraduate student who does any research. They are there to take classes and do projects; they are not there to do fundamental projects.

It is when you look at the graduate programs, PHD programmes and faculty research, that’s where there is a big difference between what happens at MIT, Stanford, Princeton, and Harvard versus what happens at IITs and IIMs. As a research institution, IIT still has a long way to go.

A similar debate took place on Quora too, where someone asked “What makes MIT better than IIT” and the thread saw interesting answers.

Here are some pointers


