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5 steps to memorize a speech in less than an hour

5 steps to memorize a speech in less than an hour

Speaking in front of a crowd can be scary. In fact, research has found that $4 - the fear of public speaking - is the $4 among Americans, ahead of thanatophobia - the fear of death.

As Jerry Seinfeld $4, this means the average person going to a funeral "would rather be in the casket than give the eulogy."

But public speaking doesn't have to be so scary.

Ron White, a $4, says when you know your speech by heart and don't have to rely on note cards or reading a slideshow, "your confidence will skyrocket."

"This also allows you to maintain eye contact, being a more dynamic and powerful speaker," he explains. "You will appear more knowledgeable to your audience as well."

White says he learned this simple five-step process for memorizing and giving speeches about 25 years ago, and he still uses it today:


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