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5 unconventional things I did to grow my business

5 unconventional things I did to grow my business

susie moore

Susie Moore

The author, Susie Moore.

  • Starting a $4 can be an intimidating task, with hesitations like funding, resources, and uncertainty holding you back.
  • It can be hard to set your business apart from existing competition, although there are a few things you can do to gain success, fast.
  • Here are five unconventional things I did to grow my coaching $4.

When someone says they're a life coach, they probably fall into one of two boxes. They're either leveraged and running an online, scalable component to their business, or they're struggling to find 1:1 clients (hey - it's hard out there).

Like most industries, there's a lot of noise in the coaching space. It can be hard to stand out and set yourself apart from your competition.

I understood this from day one and did a few things - fast! - that got me inbound clients, a strong reputation as a coach, and a steadily increasing income stream.

1. Start calling yourself a coach immediately

I started calling myself a coach pretty much overnight. I signed up for coaching classes at NYU, and on day one of training, I looked around the room of 12 people and thought, "probably 2-3 of us - MAX - will make this happen."

I wanted to be one of them. So, instantly, I introduced myself as a coach to everyone I met, changed my social media (apart from LinkedIn) to Susie the coach, and announced to all my friends that I was ready to start accepting clients (at a bargain rate) while I built up my "practice" - a term I picked up in class.

I had my first three paying clients within just a few days - because nothing beats action.

2. I didn't get a coaching certification - and I still don't have one

It's upsetting that many talented and brilliant people can get stuck in the loop of gaining certification after certification. I'm still not certified as a coach on paper - and it doesn't matter one bit. Just as an artist becomes an artist by creating, a coach becomes a coach by coaching. This doesn't apply to every field, of course. But for something like coaching, it's the creating, doing, being, and serving others that counts.

3. Talk it up

In my enthusiasm to attract new clients, I speak passionately about how self-development is the foundation of everything great. Sometimes people need a nudge in the right direction, so I use my social circles and social media>$4 to encourage people to get the help, advice, and support they need.

Books, online workshops, and meet-ups count, too! In fact, that's why I created a free workshop - Side Hustle Prep School>$4 - because as people saw me slowly transition out of my 9-5 into a full-time business owner via my side hustle, they wanted to follow suit. With so many people who hate or feel stuck in their jobs, this is no surprise.

4. Meet other coaches

I know we're all busy as heck, but there's tremendous value in meeting other people in your field who are a little bit ahead of you. Seeing other people live the life you want not only inspires you, but it also affirms that it's actually possible for you to achieve success.

Meeting other coaches and being intentional about meeting entrepreneurs - Facebook groups are a great place to start - is often what separates the amateurs from the pros, especially over time. You want to be around as many people like you as possible - the idea sharing, bigger picture thinking, and encouragement are truly worth it.

5. Share life-advice online

I used to read MindBodyGreen, a health and wellness website, at my corporate job when I was bored as hell and day dreaming about working in the personal development space. One day I thought, maybe I could write for them! And so I did.

I submitted 550 words and two weeks later, there I was - in print! I've kept going ever since. And it's been the single biggest factor in exploding my business and brand. I'm still astonished more people don't do it.

Because instead of getting "out there" and hustling for clients, you can type away in the comfort of your bed and share your life advice online, and let the right people find you.

So instead of thinking - Where's my next client coming from? How will I get people to know about me? I'm spinning gold, where are my fans? Copy me>$4. And let 'em find you.

Susie Moore is a high-performance coach, consultant and author in New York City. She's been featured on the Today show, Forbes, and more! If you're ready to skyrocket your reputation, grow your client base exponentially, or become the go to expert in your space, sign up for her free workshop here>$4.



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