So, we tell you 9 tips to make the process work for you and make it easier for your boss to write you a terrific review:
1. Decode what's your job profile
Seek clarification. A great place to start is a detailed list of job duties or, if it is available, an official job description, from your manager or human resources department. It’s better to start off with clarity as to what you are expected to deliver. It will channelize your actions in that direction and get you maximum output.
2. Engage yourself in the process
Many workers are missing important opportunities to maximize their earning potential by not devoting more effort to their performance review. It’s after all a system that will empower you to become a critical resource for the company. Be an active participant in establishing your goals from the start. Focus on key objectives and define a plan that makes sense for you and your employer. Be engaged all along, it’s a good and helpful practice.
3. Your Goals should be reasonable
When establishing goals, make sure they are meaningful. There should be value in doing a particular activity. Each goal must be relevant to the work you do each day and should be mutually agreed upon by you and your manager. Also, going over-board with goals will only impress your boss for that moment, remember. So sign up for goals which are reasonable, and gives you a sense that you can achieve them.
4. View goals as a project plan
Make your goals your mission for the year. Keep goals current, track progress and contributions, and update goals as appropriate to reflect any changes in your role or responsibilities. Remember that although goals are set to achieve certain work-based objectives, they can also yield personal rewards in the form of professional and developmental growth and greater earnings potential.
5. Take note of your work daily
No one pays closer attention to your work than you do. The annual performance review, and the promotion or salary increase that often goes with it, can be enhanced significantly if you highlight your accomplishments clearly and make a case for yourself. So, as you work, document your accomplishments along the way and let your boss know when you have reached established milestones. Good time don’t stay always so, if you reach a stumbling block along the way, seek advice on how to best resolve the issue.
6. Show an interest in additional training
If you don’t have access to the tools or training necessary to achieve a particular objective, be sure to ask. Your employer will see that you want to improve the quality of your work and are interested in professional growth. Additional training will make you more valuable to the organization and set you up for the next step in your career.
7. Talk to your boss on performance
Have an open dialogue with your boss throughout the year so you have a better sense of where you stand and how your progress is being perceived. Don’t leave all of this discussion for the annual review. Try to conduct brief, informal discussions throughout the performance review period. Taking time to check shows your boss that you are interested in performing well and are working hard toward achieving goals.
8. Share positive feedback
Feedback from colleagues is also valuable when you are preparing for a review. If someone sends you a thank you via e-mail or on paper, keep it on file. If someone says something complimentary, ask him or her to put it in writing.
9. Utilize Performance Review Feedback
When you get constructive feedback during a performance review, listen to it carefully and objectively. If part of the feedback is difficult to hear, try not to appear defensive. Instead, take time to consider what was said and try to make improvements in your work habits to avoid similar comments in the future. Companies value employees who can accept professional guidance.