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THE PROGRAMMATIC ADVERTISING REPORT: Real-Time Bidding Is Taking Over The Digital Ad Market

Mark Hoelzel   

 THE PROGRAMMATIC ADVERTISING REPORT: Real-Time Bidding Is Taking Over The Digital Ad Market
Advertising2 min read

FORECAST ShareOfSelectDigitalAdSalesAutomated ad buying and selling tools are increasingly driving digital ad sales in the U.S. That means less human-mediated, manual sales, and more opportunities for ad tech specialists to gain a share of ad spend.

A new report from BI Intelligence finds that real-time bidding (RTB), a key piece of the programmatic ecosystem, will account for over 33% of U.S. digital ad sales, or $18.2 billion in 2018, up from just $3.1 billion in 2013.

In the report, BI Intelligence looks at all the numbers and explores the drivers of programmatic adoption.

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Here are some of the key takeaways from the report:

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In full, the report:

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