Jack Webb, the co-franchisee of a Carl's Jr. in Alberta, Canada, was discovered to have committed multiple food safety violations while being filmed by in-store security cameras, CBC reported.
The first clip of 10 shared with CBC shows Webb almost elbow-deep in barbecue sauce. Webb is mixing the sauce with his bare hands, a clear violation of food safety measures, going so far as to refuse a spoon when a worker offers it to him.
Other clips show Webb mixing sauces and scooping them from one container to another with his bare hands. In one case, he uses a spatula that he pulls from a dirty dish pile and quickly wipes on a towel.
Webb was also caught on camera picking up a chicken tender that fell on the floor, putting it in the warming tray amongst the other freshly fried tenders. He additionally risked cross-contamination when he transferred chicken to the fryer without washing his hands after handling raw chicken.

Hollis Johnson
The former Carl's Jr. manager who leaked the footage said that the unhygienic behavior hurts locations of the fast-food chain that handle food correctly.
The location's former manager - allegedly sick of Webb's disgusting behavior, which continued despite complaints - shared the footage with CBC and health authorities.
Alberta Health Services began an investigation immediately after seeing the footage, CBC reported. Webb has reportedly been banned from handling food until he takes a food training course.
Carl's Jr. didn't immediately respond to Business Insider's request for comment. Carl's Jr. Canada told CBC that the chain was taking corrective action, and that the behavior in the video was "unacceptable."
Here's the footage of the "unacceptable" behavior: