Ad agencies pressure Facebook and Google on payment terms
Google CEO Sundar Pichai.Denis Balibouse/Reuters
Here are the top media and advertising stories from Business Insider for August 26.

Ad agencies pressure Facebook and Google on payment terms

Here are the top media and advertising stories from Business Insider for August 26.

Hi! Welcome to the Insider Advertising daily for August 26. I'm Lauren Johnson, a senior advertising reporter at Business Insider. Subscribe here to get this newsletter in your inbox every weekday. Send me feedback or tips at ljohnson@businessinsider.com

Today's news: Agencies put pressure on Facebook and Google to loosen payment terms, Away gets into pet products, and Instagram Reels' revenue potential.

Indie ad agencies are pressing Facebook and Google to change payment terms they call unfair, as the pandemic raises fears that clients will fail to pay

Read the full story here.

Ad agencies pressure Facebook and Google on payment terms

Away's revenue plummeted 90% at the start of the pandemic. The luggage startup is trying to bounce back by appealing to pet owners.

Read the full story here.

Ad agencies pressure Facebook and Google on payment terms
Instagram; Paige Leskin/Business Insider

Instagram Reels could drive $2.5 billion in yearly ad revenue by 2022, according to Jefferies analysts. Here are 5 key takeaways from their report on the TikTok rival.

Read the full story here.

More stories we're reading:

Thanks for reading and see you tomorrow! You can reach me in the meantime at ljohnson@businessinsider.com and subscribe to this daily email here.

— Lauren