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Are you highly skilled and proficient in English? Migration to US might get easier for you

Are you highly skilled and proficient in English? Migration to US might get easier for you
If you are a highly skilled Indian who is well-educated and can speak English fluently, you might live your Great American Dream and US President Donald Trump will make it possible.

Yes, Trump may give entry to high skilled, educationally-privileged Indians at the expense of family ties-based immigration that has been the primary route for more than half a century.

Highly-skilled Indians are mostly dependent on H-1B visas to get entry into the US and uses the family path quite less. But this might not be the case soon.

Two Republican senators have proposed a new law under which the educated elite will considered first for the green cards.

The proposals made under Reforming American Immigration for a Strong Economy (RAISE) Act, educated and English-speaking immigrant applications will be favoured in a points-based system. This point based system exists in Canada and Australia.

Under the point-based system, good education, particularly attained in the US will fetch big points. An applicant with a US high school diploma or the foreign equivalent gets one point; a foreign bachelor's degree earns five points, while a US bachelor's degree earns six points. A foreign master's degree in STEM fields earns seven points while a US master's earns eight points. A foreign professional degree or doctorate earns 10 points and a US equivalent earns 13.

There is an age category also and if you fall in any of those, you can earn more points. For instance, people aged between 18 and 21 get six points, 22-25 get eight, and 26-30 get 10 points.

As the age goes on downhill, points get reduced. Minors under the age of 18 and those over the age of 50 receive no points, though they can still apply.

If you have a job offer in the US, good for you as you will earn more points.

This system comes as a breather for young Indian professionals who want to migrate to US but are largely dependent on the H-1b visas.

But the proposals raised the hackles of many Democrats and liberals who argued that it essentially violates the American credo of helping the ''poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free,'' words that are enshrined on the Statue of Liberty, in favour of elitist immigration.


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