Reports that he had enrolled at UoB initially surfaced on Twitter.
Birmingham's edition of The Tab has since confirmed sightings of Hempstead Wright with current students at the university who say they spotted the actor at various locations on campus.
He is reportedly studying Maths and staying at the university's newest halls, Chamberlain.
So far the actor's been spotted both on nights out and at various locations on campus, including the sports fair.
Harry Mackenzie told The Tab he saw Hempstead Wright while he was working at the Student's Union bar - Joe's Bar.
He said: "I saw him walk past a couple of times and I served two customers that sat near him. It was a society and they were sat with him."
The lunchtime sighting at Joe's Bar was corroborated by Matt Cleary, a UoB graduate, who told the Tab: "I saw him across the bar, I wasn't sure it was him at first but then the bartender confirmed it for me. Holy shit winter is here."
That afternoon Hasan Ayub, a second-year student, reported seeing the star getting mobbed at the sports fair.
"He was walking out of the sports centre about 2pm," he told The Tab.
Early reports that the actor had enrolled at the university initially surfaced on Twitter on Tuesday, September 19.
Having confirmed sightings of Hempstead Wright with fellow students, The Tab searched Birmingham's university email, which revealed an option to send him a message. The actor is reportedly staying at the university's newest halls, Chamberlain accommodation.
And people are getting pretty excited on Twitter...
My sister goes to uni with bran stark, went on a night out with him yesterday 😂😂
- JO/SH (@JoshWhitley6) September 19, 2017
Just found out Bran Stark is at my uni on my flat mates course...fangirling just a tad..ðŸ˜
- Emma (@WelcomeTo1989_) September 19, 2017
Never thought I would run into Bran Stark in Bham.
- Kate. (@katerattley) September 20, 2017
Wait Bran Stark's actor studies Maths at Uni of Birmingham 😂😂imagine being off your chops at Tektu & asking 3eyed raven where afters will be
- john d (@jcmd1234) September 20, 2017
Bran stark is a fresher at Birmingham uni, does he get extenuating circumstances because most of his family got you know... butchered
- Jake Metcalfe (@JMetcalfe7274) September 20, 2017
Hold the bloody Hodor! BRAN STARK IS NOW A FRESHER AT UNI OF BIRMINGHAM IN MY BLOODY COLLEGE!! *hand fan* Right, off to stalk the Maths labs
- Kate Wright (@Wrightgal80) September 21, 2017
Bran Stark is at Birmingham University doing the course I didn't get the grades for
I could've been doing algebra with the 3 eyed raven fml
- Matthew Dolben (@MattDolben) September 20, 2017
- anisakfkdksksl (@dudeyoufugly_) September 20, 2017
Birmingham just got better, Bran Stark is a fresher at UOB wtf
- Isabella (@_Isabellaamato) September 20, 2017
Omg, please tell me @ubarchery managed to sign up Bran Stark at the sports fair today #ThreeEyedToucan
- James Cram (@jamescram) September 20, 2017
bran stark is a fresher at birmingham which means if i'm on a bar crawl you'll find me looking out for the three eyed raven and spoilers x
- Ayesha (@ayshgillespie) September 20, 2017
applying for uni of birmingham jus cos Bran Stark is a fresher there this year
- alvina🥀 (@wxitwhxt) September 21, 2017