The 1.5GB data per day plans are very popular among users and the telecom companies have been focusing on these plans. We will compare different plans that offer 1.5GB per day from
Best 1.5GB per day plans
To compare the plans, we have classified them on the basis of validity. Both Jio as well as Airtel have plans that offer validity of 28 days, 56 days, 84 days and 365 days. Before we take a look at the plans, let’s take a look at the additional benefits provided by both the telcos.
Additional benefits on Reliance Jio
In addition to calls, data and SMS, all Reliance Jio plans come with complimentary subscription to Jio apps that includes JioTV, Jio Cinema, Jio Music and more.
Additional benefits on Airtel
Airtel provides the following additional benefits with its plans:
- Free 4-week course on Shaw Academy with 28 days validity.
- Wynk Music access.
- Airtel Xstream app premium access.
- ₹150 cashback on FASTag.
Airtel plans with 1.5GB data per day
See also:
Reliance Jio now lets you make calls over any Wi-Fi network
Airtel launches Voice over Wi-Fi service for better indoor voice call
Reliance Jio, Airtel and Vodafone have 10 days to submit their bids for 5G trials while a lot remains undecided