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Know your super power: Top 10 pieces of career advice shared by a Warner Records senior vice president

Britney Nguyen   

Know your super power: Top 10 pieces of career advice shared by a Warner Records senior vice president
  • A Warner Records SVP shared a list of the top 10 pieces of advice she's received throughout her career.
  • Dalia Ganz talked to Insider about the list she compiled before leaving The Walt Disney Company.

In $4, Dalia Ganz, senior vice president of digital marketing at Warner Records, shared a list of the t0p 10 pieces of advice she's received throughout her career.

The advice, Ganz wrote, came from "senior executives running some of your favorite brands." She said she compiled the list before she left her role as vice president of social media, digital marketing, and synergy for Freeform at The Walt Disney Company.

She also added her own advice to the list:

"Choose your boss when deciding whether to take a job," Ganz said in an email. "It matters as much as the actual work. Over my 17-year career at Disney, a variety of leaders invested in me, and I credit them for my success."

Ganz discussed with Insider the lessons she shared on LinkedIn, and which ones have impacted her career the most:

1. "Don't swirl in your decision making. At some point, you've got to land the plane."

Ganz said this is the piece of advice she shares the most with other colleagues.

"Digital culture moves so rapidly that you can miss opportunities to engage if decisions don't move forward quickly enough," Ganz said.

2. "Invest your time in strategy and the rest of a campaign will flow easily."

In her new role at Warner Records, Ganz is leading a team of digital strategists. Through her roles at Disney, Ganz worked on digital campaigns and new ways to engage fans through digital platforms.

3. "Don't try to put 20 pounds of sh*t in a five pound bag. Simplify your messaging."

4. "Show up on time and prepared for meetings. Make sure you have something to take notes."

5. "As a leader, your job is to problem solve and provide direction so your employees can do their best work."

Earlier in her career, Ganz said success was defined by what she achieved herself.

"Now, it is about succeeding through others and supporting, as well as empowering, my team to be successful," she said.

6. "You can't teach someone to be smart but you can teach them everything else. Hire wisely."

"I've had the privilege of working with an incredible group of digital strategists who are now in digital leadership roles across a variety of industries," Ganz said.

7. "Organizational change will happen at every company. Get on board with the new vision."

8. "Don't be a title snob. Great ideas come from all levels."

Ganz said she's found silos between teams have broken down. "There is more collaboration than ever," she said.

Although social media is in her job description, she said "every department needs to think about how their work can add to or be driven by the social conversation."

"Everyone has the shared goal of wanting to win on social," she said.

9. "Everyone has a super power. Know what yours is."

"Knowing my superpower was critical to my growth," Ganz said.

Ganz started her career at Disney in 2005 when she was 21, she said, "and was an early adopter of all things social and digital."

"I quickly realized I had the ability to translate social data, trends, and technology into buzzworthy digital campaigns, as well as invent new ways to engage fans through digital platforms," Ganz said.

She said she's honed this superpower throughout her career. "It looks different now as I empower a team of digital strategists," she said.

10. "Stay curious."

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