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  4. China is about to launch the first robots to the far side of the moon. Their discoveries could be revolutionary.

China is about to launch the first robots to the far side of the moon. Their discoveries could be revolutionary.

China is about to launch the first robots to the far side of the moon. Their discoveries could be revolutionary.

chang e 4 moon lunar rover front china chinese flag casc

China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC)

A rendering of a lunar rover for China's Chang'e-4 moon mission.

  • On Friday, $4 plans to launch a space mission to the far side of the moon - the first ever to land on the face of the moon that Earth can't see.
  • Called $4, the mission will try to gently set down a rover and lander on the lunar surface.
  • The two Chinese-built robots will examine the moon's the geology and chemistry, taking unprecedented scientific measurements.
  • Chang'e-4 will also see if the area is appropriate to build a powerful deep-space radio $4.
  • The lander contains a sealed box that will try to grow plants and worms.

China is about to make space exploration history.

Around 1:30 p.m. EST today, the country's space agency is launching a lunar-landing mission to the moon's far side, which is hidden from Earth's view.

The mission seeks to gently touch the spacecraft down on the surface - a feat that no country has ever attempted.

The Chinese moon mission is called Chang'e-4. The name "Chang'e" is that of a mythical lunar goddess, and the "4" indicates that this is the fourth robotic mission in China's decade-long lunar exploration program.

Chang'e-4 may "be the first to realize a soft landing on and inspection of" the far side of the moon, an official $4 at China's National Defense Science and Technology Bureau in Beijing.

The mission's rover and lander could take unprecedented measurements of the rocks and lunar soil, or regolith, on the moon's far side (a lunar $4), while also paving the way for a lunar landing with people.

moon earth space china cast


A photo of a distant Earth and the far side of the moon taken by a Chinese spacecraft.

Read more: $4

"The mission is ambitious and the science is amazing," Tamela Macial, an astrophysicist and communications manager at the National Space Center in Leicester, England, $4 on Friday. "Chang'e-4 plans to explore the oldest and deepest impact basin on the moon - the South Pole-Aitken basin, which we never see from Earth since it's on the far side."

China is also planning to launch a crewed moon landing mission in the early 2030s. If that happens as planned, it could be the first time people set foot on the lunar surface since NASA's Apollo program $4.

What Chang'e-4 will do - and why it could be revolutionary

jade rabbit change3 lunar moon rover china cnsa cas

China National Space Administration/Chinese Academy of Sciences

The Yutu or "Jade Rabbut" rover, part of China's Chang'e-3 mission, moving around the lunar surface in December 2013.

Chang'e-4 is made from backup hardware for Chang'e-3, a nearly identical mission that launched the Yutu or "$4" rover along with a stationary probe to the moon's near side in 2013.

Given Chang'e-3's success, officials $4 that the backup hardware would be retrofitted for Chang'e-4.

If all goes according to plan, Chang'e-4's landing zone will be a $4 called Von Kármán. The crater exists within a huge and ancient feature called the South Pole-Aitken Basin, which was the site of a cataclysmic impact about 3.9 billion years ago. This collision event may have punched all the way through the moon's crust.

"It's possible this basin is so deep that it contains material from the moon's inner mantle," Maciel said. "By landing on the far side for the first time, the Chang'e-4 lander and rover will help us understand so much more about the moon's formation and history."

The Chinese robots might therefore be able to study some of the moon's most ancient rocks. Those samples could help scientists understand the moon's $4, since they might be wildly different than anything the US or Russia has ever examined.

von karman crater moon lunar orbiter james stuby lunar orbiter 5 cc01


The moon's Von Kármán crater.

$4, a planetary scientist at the University of Arizona, has said that other exotic grit could also be found.

"The moon's far side is the oldest surface, and there are probably some Earth rocks over there that got transported early on. And there they still sit," Asphaug previously told this reporter for $4 published by Popular Mechanics. "Locked within those samples may be direct records of conditions on Earth between 4.3 and 3.8 billion years ago - right around the time biologists think life got its start here.

Asphaug added: "The moon is a storehouse of terrestrial evolution. It's kind of like granny's attic, where you find her old pom poms and question everything you knew before."

Read more: $4

The scouting done by the Chang'e-4 rover might also help identify a suitable place to build a telescope that could study the Big Bang's afterglow, according to $4.

That afterglow is called the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, or CMBR, and it's tough to "see" amid all of the signals emanating from humanity's telecommunications. But the moon's far side should be extraordinarily quiet, since that noisy chatter is blocked by the moon itself.

polarisation cosmic microwave background

ESA and the Planck Collaboration

A visualization of the Cosmic Microwave Background.

Chang'e-4 could deploy an experiment to take images of the CMBR in low-frequency radio waves - a feat that's practically impossible on Earth.

These frequencies are essential to understanding the universe's and our own origins.

"We need these signals to learn whether and how the universe inflated rapidly in the first trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second after the Big Bang," Joseph Silk, an astronomer at Johns Hopkins University, $4 earlier this year.

Chang'e-4 will also test some hardware that China plans to use for Chang'e-5: a mission designed to collect about 4.4 lbs of dust and rocks from a $4 and bring those samples back to Earth. That mission is $4.

China had to launch a special satellite to make its far-side mission possible

queqiao lunar relay communications satellite cnsa cas


An illustration of China's Queqiao relay satellite near the moon.

For the same reason the moon is very good at blocking Earth's radio signals, it's pretty complicated to pull off a far-side lunar landing and exploration mission.

When Apollo astronauts orbited the moon, for example, they temporarily (and expectedly) lost contact with mission control in Houston each time they passed behind the 2,159-mile-wide ball of rock.

To get around this problem, China successfully launched $4.

Queqiao is a telecommunications satellite that's now parked in a gravity-neutral spot in space, called a $4, that overlooks the far side of the moon but maintains a line-of-sight to Earth.

"The name Queqiao means 'magpie bridge' in Chinese and comes from a Chinese folk tale, a love story about a flock of magpies that form a bridge crossing the Milky Way once a year to reunite lovers known as the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, as well as their children" according to $4 by Luyuan Xu at the Planetary Society.

Queqiao will act as a "bridge" between Earth and the Chang'e-4 mission after its robots land. Specifically, the lander will communicate with both the rover and the Queqiao relay satellite, and the satellite will connect with mission control at China National Space Administration.

Lunar silkworms, potatoes, and mustard


Nguyen Huy Kham/Reuters

China is launching silkworms to the moon.

China designed its solar-powered moon rover to last about three months and its lander to function for about a year.

In addition to the rock-sampling and radio-astronomy experiments, the mission will carry a miniature ecosystem of life on Earth.

The lander will hold a seven-inch-long aluminum container, designed by 28 universities, that's packed with potato seeds, Arabidopsis (mustard) seeds, and silkworm eggs, according $4, a state-supervised media outlet in China.

Zhang Yuanxun, chief designer of the container, explained the goal for these seeds and worms in the Chongqing Morning Post, according to People's Daily.

"The eggs will hatch into silkworms, which can produce carbon dioxide, while the potatoes and seeds emit oxygen through photosynthesis," Yuanxun said. "Together, they can establish a simple ecosystem on the moon."

Na Li contributed Mandarin Chinese translation for this story.



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