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Lunar Eclipse - Dos and Don'ts for today's Partial lunar eclipse in India

Lunar Eclipse - Dos and Don'ts for today's Partial lunar eclipse in India

Continents including South America, Asia, Africa, Europe and Australia will be viewing the partial lunar eclipse that will happen on July 16, 2019. If you are excited about this very rare astronomical event and would like to know what to do and what not to do during the eclipse, here are the facts that will give you a clear picture.

Know about the lunar eclipse on July 16, 2019

A lunar eclipse happens when the sun, earth and the moon occur in a straight line. The lunar eclipse is the result of the earth’s shadow falling on the moon while the earth passes in between the sun and the moon. There are three kinds of lunar eclipses namely penumbral lunar eclipse, partial lunar eclipse and total lunar eclipse. A penumbral lunar eclipse results when the moon passes through the penumbral shadow of the earth. A partial lunar eclipse happens when only a portion of the moon passes through the earth’s umbral shadow and a total lunar eclipse occurs when the entire moon moves through the earth’s umbral shadow. On July 16, 2019, the world will see only a partial lunar eclipse. The total duration of the upcoming lunar eclipse will be 3 hours between 01:31 am and 04:29 am on Wednesday, July 17, 2019 in India. The maximum eclipse will happen at around 3:00 am when the moon will look the darkest.

Dos and Don’ts during a lunar eclipse

If you want to watch the lunar eclipse, do it without any fears. Lunar eclipse is a rare astronomical event that happens once in a while. Also, every eclipse is uniquely spectacular in its own way. Unlike what can result from watching a solar eclipse, a lunar eclipse is perfectly safe to watch with naked eyes.

While encouraging people to watch lunar eclipse by moving outdoors during the event, Arvind Paranjpye, Director, Nehru Planetarium at Mumbai says, "Eclipses are regular phenomenon like rainbow and they have no effect of any kind on human beings or for that matter on any being. And moreover, lunar eclipse is not harmful to watch with the naked eyes. Elders should take children out and show them this celestial treat and help them develop a scientific temper.”

Some superstitions associated with the lunar eclipse enjoin people not to eat and never to go outdoors during the eclipse. Temples are closed and people take a head bath and clean the kitchen after making the next meal. Scientists rule out all these activities as mere superstitions.

How to get the best out of the lunar eclipse on July 16, 2019

Watch the rare astronomical event of this lunar eclipse by moving outdoors. Never fear to watch the lunar eclipse with naked eyes.

If you wish to enhance your viewing experience, use a good binocular or telescope. Almost all the planetariums arrange to facilitate the live watching of the lunar eclipse through some powerful devices.

Cast aside all the superstitions connected with the lunar eclipse. Never fear to drink or eat during the eclipse. Carry something to munch and sit outdoors watching the eclipse.

If you inhabit an urban area, move to a place that is free of city lights and focus your attention on the moon to get a clearer view of the moon.

The best suited places to view a lunar eclipse are rural areas especially if they enjoy clear skies during the event.


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