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Here Are 10 Internet Security Predictions For 2015 By Symantec [Infographic]

Here Are 10 Internet Security Predictions For 2015 By
Symantec [Infographic]
Cyber security has quickly become a big issue around the world. Many countries, including India, are taking it very seriously and finding ways to fight it through. As the cyber-attacks, hackers and Trojans grow, the world is waking up to the threat and trying various methods to deal with it. In today’s day and age the working man has his dependence on technology.

Mobiles, tablets, PC’s and laptops have become a way of life and one spends a lot of time with them. These are used to do everything. From paying the credit card bill to online shopping. One can do so much and more with them.

This is the reason why hackers and thugs are trying to get in to your accounts and steal precious data, if not money. Symantec has shared 10 pointers with us in the form of an infographic that gives 2015 Cyber Security predictions. Point number 2 got our attention and is a bit scary, as hackers will try even harder to get in to your smartphones and steal data next year.


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