- Happiness is achievable, and there are scientifically proven ways to achieve it.
- I decided to spend a week asking as many strangers as I could how to be happier, and I found their advice refreshing, useful, and genuinely universal.
Ask strangers about happiness and watch what happens to their facial cues when you do it. Little smiles are likely to turn up on the corners of their mouths, and brows may furrow slightly as they come up with answers.
I'm not sure what, exactly, I anticipated getting in response to my questions, but I did spend a week asking strangers from all walks of life for advice on how to increase my own happiness. Nobody was ready to respond off the cuff. Some people needed to take a moment to collect their thoughts, but many were actually happy to advise.
This article could have been different if it were crammed solely with happiness studies from behavioral scientists. But in speaking to strangers about happiness, I found not only genuine and sincere words but some universal and practical advice for anyone to use.
Here are the seven best responses I received: