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  3. In some countries, people face jail time for using plastic bags. Here are all the places that have banned plastic bags and straws so far.

In some countries, people face jail time for using plastic bags. Here are all the places that have banned plastic bags and straws so far.

In some countries, people face jail time for using plastic bags. Here are all the places that have banned plastic bags and straws so far.

Carrying Grocery Bags


The average lifespan of a plastic bag is 12 minutes.

  • New York state lawmakers have approved a state-wide plastic bag ban, which will go into effect in March 2020.
  • Similar bans are already in effect in $4, Hawaii, and $4. Some places tax plastic bags in lieu of a ban.
  • Shoppers use 500 billion single-use plastic bags worldwide every year.
  • These bags typically end up in landfills or $4. More than 100,000 marine mammals get entangled in plastic bags and die annually.
  • Other cities and companies have also $4.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the New York legislature have approved $4 that includes a state-wide ban on single-use plastic bags.

When the ban goes into effect on March 1, 2020, New York will become one of three US states that doesn't allow these bags. (The others are California and Hawaii.)

"The convenience of plastic bags is simply not worth the environmental impact," New York State Assembly speaker Carl Heastie $4. "By reducing our state's usage, we will see less litter in our communities and less plastic pollution in our waterways."

Shoppers worldwide use some 500 billion (yes, billion) single-use plastic bags annually. That's roughly 150 bags per year for every person on Earth, $4. Strung end-to-end, that's enough plastic to circle the globe 4,200 times.

On average, a plastic bag has only a 12-minute lifespan, $4, an organization that sells sustainable grocery bags.

Most bags wind up languishing in landfills, where they can remain for up to 1,000 years. Some make their way into the ocean.

Another type of single-use plastic - straws - are also being phased out in some places. In the US, $4. But California has banned restaurants from serving customers plastic straws $4, and Seattle has axed them as well.

About $4 enters the ocean every year on average, though the maximum amount could be closer to 14 million tons.

Read More: $4

Plastic bags that wind up in the ocean entangle and kill roughly $4each year. Recently, a pregnant sperm whale washed up dead on the shores of Sardinia with $4. Less than a month earlier, another dead whale was found to have $4.

But while only three US states have taken steps to ban plastic bags, they're already $4. Here are the cities and nations around the world that are tackling the growing threat of single-use plastic.


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