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India has a lot to prove to the world with Chandrayaan 2's success

India has a lot to prove to the world with Chandrayaan 2's success

  • The successful landing on Chandrayaan 2 on the Moon will make India the first country to explore the lunar south pole.
  • The entire mission is being done using technology that was built by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).
  • The mission is cost a record breaking ₹10 billion.
ISRO is sure it will succeed in its Chandrayaan-2 mission with the soft-landing of Vikram, the lander scheduled between 01:30 am and 02:30 am on Saturday, September 7, 2019 on the moon’s surface. This thumping victory will boost India’s image in the $4 and there are several reasons why India is keen to succeed in its second mission to the moon.

The importance of Chandrayaan-2 mission

Chandrayaan-2 is India’s second mission to the moon. India succeeding in its lunar mission this time will mean it will become the fourth country following Russia, the US and China to successfully accomplish a soft landing on the moon. At the same time, the success of Chandrayaan-2 will position India in the first place to reach the $4, which is still waiting to be explored.

Highly challenging venture

What is called as Lunar Orbit Insertion (LOI) maneuver was carried out successfully by the ISRO during Chandrayaan-1 mission. However, the proposed soft-landing on the moon during the Chandrayaan-2 mission is a $4. Attempting to soft-land the lander and rover on a high plain lying in between the two craters Manzinus C and Simpelius N, at a latitude of about 70 south, the soft-landing being attempted now will be a terrifying moment as this is something new to ISRO.

India’s prowess in space technology

The entire mission of Chandrayaan-2 is attempted on a $4. This notable mission is closely connected with India’s lofty aspirations to prove its capabilities in space technology. Commenting on the importance of Chandrayaan-2 mission, Pallava Bagla, science editor of NDTV, a famed T channel of India remarked, “There is a huge symbolic value attached to this mission. This is all about national pride.”

The topic of space and India

In India, the topic of space has become something of a craze. In a number of Indian cities, there are huge posters found on gigantic billboards heralding the Chandrayaan-2 mission. In some space classes, children are making innovative rockets to celebrate the said mission. In fact, Chandrayaan-2 has become a $4 among the Indian youth now.

Indian government and Chandrayaan-2

At a time when the Indian government is facing a crucial time characterized by $4, $4 and the $4, the Chandrayaan-2 mission provides a welcome distraction. When the Chandrayaan-2 was launched in July, Mr. Narendra Modi published a video in which he is clapping and keenly watching the live launch with the Indian flag behind him.

Arati Jerath, a Delhi based political analyst says, “Modi is very keen on positioning India as a global power. Moon missions are part of creating that image.”

What is so unique about this mission

Chandrayaan-2 is a $4 when compared to the other space missions. The cost of the mission is less than $150 million, which is cheaper than what was spent to make the Hollywood film ‘Interstellar’ in 2014.

Also, the Moon’s South Pole is a highly interesting topic as it can reveal the possibility of the presence of $4. It could $4 of inhabiting the moon and also making fuel for the missions that would explore Mars. Scientists are also keenly looking for deposits of helium-3 on the moon which is one of the prospective energy sources for the earth in the future.

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