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Alex Jones claims Sandy Hook families won't get his money, but they could start seizing his assets, attorney says

Ashley Collman   

Alex Jones claims Sandy Hook families won't get his money, but they could start seizing his assets, attorney says
  • Alex Jones was ordered to pay Sandy Hook families nearly $1 billion for calling the shooting a hoax.
  • Attorney Ron Austin said Jones will have a hard time dodging the enormous bill.

$4 laughed on air at the $4 in damages a Connecticut jury ordered him to pay to $4, joking that the plaintiffs won't see that money.

"Do these people actually think they're getting any of this money?" he said, according to $4

But Jones could be in for a rude awakening. Ron Austin, a New Orleans-based civil attorney told Insider that if Jones tries to dodge payment, the plaintiffs can go after everything he's got.

Plaintiffs could then start "looking for what assets he might have, looking at whether he's fraudulently transferred any of his assets, they'll start going after those assets," he said.

"They'll start piercing the corporate veil to get to him personally ... essentially you start seizing everything he owns."

Austin said courts do afford debtors the "ability to have an abode and reasonable living expenses." Those kinds of decisions will ultimately be determined by a judge, he said.

But Jones won't likely have the same standard of living as before with $4 weighing on his shoulders.

"This guy has made millions and millions; I don't think he will maintain that same lifestyle," he said.

"The conscience of the community spoke loudly and indicated that that behavior will not be tolerated and it sent a message to those who seek to profit on lies and deceit and it's not going to be tolerated," Austin added.

For years, Jones pushed a lie that the 2012 shooting was staged by the government as a pretext for restricting gun rights.

The Connecticut trial was the second of three similar cases that Jones lost by default when he refused to turn over financial records about his company.

The trials focused squarely on how much he owed the families for the damage he caused by pushing conspiracy theories about the shooting, and not whether he had actually defamed them.

The first trial wrapped in Texas in August, with a jury there determining that Jones should pay the parents of victim Jesse Lewis $4. A third case, also in Texas, has not yet been scheduled yet.

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