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Chinese ambassador scoffs at calls for Beijing to join condemnation of Russia's invasion of Ukraine: 'Don't be naive'

Katie Balevic   

Chinese ambassador scoffs at calls for Beijing to join condemnation of Russia's invasion of Ukraine: 'Don't be naive'
  • China's ambassador to the US said condemning Russia for its invasion "doesn't solve the problem."
  • Qin Gang said on $4 that China was sending food and other aid while seeking deescalation.

China's ambassador to the US on Sunday scoffed at a question about condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Ambassador Qin Gang told CBS News' Margaret Brennan on "$4" that China wanted "friendly, good neighborly relations with Russia." Brennan pushed back on the topic, asking, "Why can't you condemn this as an invasion?"

"Don't be naive," Qin said. "It doesn't solve the problem. I would be surprised if Russia will back down by condemnation."

Qin said China had called for peace talks and a cease-fire, touting what he called the country's "unique position" with Russia given their shared borders and interests.

"China's trusted relations with Russia, it's not a liability — actually it's an asset in the international efforts to solve the crisis in a peaceful way," Qin said. "China is part of the solution. It's not part of the problem."

While China's leader, Xi Jinping, has called for "restraint" from Russia during its invasion, those in the country have also $4 Russian $4 about the war, $4.

"We have already made it very clear that, you know, national sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, including Ukraine, should be respected and protected," Qin said. "But as I said, condemnation only cannot work. What we need is good diplomacy based on vision, wisdom, and courage."

President Joe Biden has $4 to Russia to aid its war effort. On CBS, Brennan asked Qin whether China would send money and weapons to Moscow.

"There's disinformation about China providing military assistance to Russia. We reject that," Qin responded. "What China is doing is send foods, medicine, sleeping bags, and baby formula — not weapons and ammunition to any party, and we are against a war, as I said, you know, we will do everything to dis-escalate the crisis."

Top US officials have said $4 and economic assistance for the invasion of Ukraine, though officials did not say what types of weapons Russia asked for.

"China has normal trade, economic, financial, energy cooperation with Russia," Qin said Sunday. "These are the normal, normal business between two sovereign countries."


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