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Mumps Cases Approach 200 In Central Ohio Outbreak

Associated Press   

Mumps Cases Approach 200 In Central Ohio Outbreak
Science1 min read

Vaccine MMR measles mumps rubella shot

David McNew / Getty Images

Incoming kindergartener in LA, Jeremy Conner, 5, reacts to a Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccination (MMR).

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - A mumps outbreak in central Ohio is approaching 200 confirmed cases.

Health officials tracking the outbreak say there are now 199 confirmed cases, with 126 linked to Ohio State University.

Local health agencies say those infected by the viral illness range in age from 9 months to 70 years. They include 92 Ohio State students and 11 staff members.

The reports of the illness began Jan. 7 with the latest cases reported this week.

State and local health officials are urging residents to make sure they are properly vaccinated with two doses of measles-mumps-rubella, known as MMR.

Mumps often starts with fever, fatigue and body aches. Those infected are urged to stay home, cover their mouths and noses when coughing or sneezing, and frequently wash their hands.


