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Raj Raghavan, Amazon India’s HR Head reveals 3 tips that every manager should keep in mind

Raj Raghavan, Amazon India’s HR Head reveals 3 tips
that every manager should keep in mind

It goes without saying that the $4department is sacrosanct for any organisation to prosper. The reason being that the kind of people you bring on board make or break a organisation’s future.

This is where the Human Resources steps in. It’s incredibly important for any organisation to not only hire the best set of people possible for the job but also retain them and ensure they don’t leave the organisation unhappy for some other opportunity.

But, it’s not as easy as it sounds. Many a times a lot goes wrong either in the hiring stage itself or late when it comes to retaining an employee. Most often than not, it is due to miscommunication either on the part of $4 or unhappy employees.

But, a good HR Manager not only knows how to handle crisis situations like these, but also strive to find a balance between the needs of the employee and that of the company.

To give a better idea, Raj Raghavan, Director and Country Human Resources Head, $4, who’s been with the company for five years and has a team of HR Managers working under him, has three tips that he believes will help every HR Manager help the employee and the organisation:

1. A good HR Manager has a point of view: Regardless of which side you are on, the only way you can best put it across is you have a point of view. There is no other way to earn people’s respect.

2. To be a good HR Manager, you should also be credible: Employees need a reason to trust what you say or follow your decisions. If you don’t have credibility, you have nothing. ‘

3. No one can be a good HR Manager unless they are curious or keep learning: This comes from personal experience. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve worked for or how much experience you have- the important thing to remember is that you never stop learning. Not in 5 years or 10. So, my advice would be to always be curious, eager to learn and humble.


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