- What is 2019-nCoV
Coronavirus ?
Discovered towards the end of December 2019 during an investigation of the spread of pneumonia is Wuhan, China, the 2019-nCoV is a new member of the coronavirus family that is known to cause respiratory illnesses in people. It spreads from person to person. - What complications are reported in people contacting 2019-nCoV?
Most people infected with 2019-nCoV suffer from pneumonia in their lungs. - What is the status of the spread of 2019-nCoV outside China?
Outside China, about 37 cases have been identified to have contacted 2019-nCoV. In three of them, no symptoms have been diagnosed. In the remaining 34 patients, the information on the date of symptom is available for 28 people. About 71% of these cases are males ranging from 2 to 72 years of age. Among the 27 people about whom we have enough information on the date of the onset of symptom, 8 had the onset of these symptoms in China during their travel; 5 reported symptoms on the same day of their travel to China and 14 people were found to have developed the symptoms after they left China. On the whole, 36 of these people have travel history to China while the others were affected due to transmission from close family contacts. - What is the level of risk of the spread of 2019-nCoV in India?
Coronaviruses are usually transmitted between animals and humans. So far, all the known cases of coronavirus attacks have been traced to a Wuhan seafood market. So, it is concluded that this virus has an animal origin. India does not import these foods from China. Hence it is most unlikely that this virus is likely to come down to the country in this route. However, since person to person transmission of this virus is suspected, those travelling to the affected area need to be monitored closely. - Is India equipped to stay protected against 2019-nCoV?
Like all countries, India is susceptible to the new virus 2019-nCoV as the public has no immunity against this virus. India is still not well equipped to identify the diseases caused by this virus and our ports of entry are not well equipped to identify the disease carrying people before they enter the nation. Also, it is not an easy job to diagnose the coronavirus since the symptoms resemble common cold, cough and a list of respiratory illnesses. - Why is India more prone to the spread of 2019-nCoV?
2019-nCoV coronavirus can spread fast in an overpopulated country. In India, most people are malnourished and are now to have low levels of resistance to diseases in general. Hence our country is at a higher risk of inviting the attacks of the new virus. - What to do if I have recently travelled to China and find myself sick?
If you have recently travelled to China and get sick with fever, breathing difficulties, cough and cold, it is necessary that you approach the right channels for investigation and medical care. Inform a qualified medical expert of your illness and your recent travel history. Most importantly, avoid contact with other people as you might be unintentionally spreading the infection to others too.
Coronavirus FAQs - What is Coronavirus and what is status in China
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