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Annual solar eclipse Oct 14 – Here’s why sky gazers are so excited

Annual solar eclipse Oct 14 – Here’s why sky gazers are so excited
  • Two to five solar eclipses can occur in a year and so they are not really rare events.
  • The rarity of eclipses is due to the unique spectacle every eclipse presents the viewers.
  • The eclipse on 14 October 2023 will be an annular solar eclipse and there is excitement around it.
Though not rare, eclipses are curiously interesting occurrences due to the uniquely different spectacles they present the viewers. The most common eclipses viewed from the earth are solar and lunar eclipses. In October 2023, there will be a solar eclipse on the 14th followed by a lunar eclipse on 28th. Sky gazers are eagerly gearing up to watch the spectacular scene to expect from the solar eclipse on 14 October. It will be an annular solar eclipse or the phenomenon known as ring of fire.

The solar eclipse on 14 October 2023 can be seen from North America, Central America and the majority of South America. When the eclipse reaches its maximum phase, the sun will look like a ‘ring of fire’. This spectacle will last for around 5 minutes and 17 seconds visible from off the coast of Nicaragua and Costa Rica.

What is a solar eclipse?

A solar eclipse happens when the earth, moon and the sun occur in a straight line while moving in their transit paths. A solar eclipse results when the moon passing between the earth and sun shadows the sun for a brief period of time. A solar eclipse can happen only on a new moon, also known as the no moon day. Usually solar and lunar eclipses occur in line. The solar eclipse on 14 October 2023 will be followed by a lunar eclipse on 28 October 2023, the former is a new moon day and the latter is the consecutive full moon day.

Why the sky gazers are excited about this solar eclipse

The annular solar eclipse is a highly spectacular event when the sun looks like a ring of fire. This is because, in the case of an annular solar eclipse, the size of the moon is not enough to completely cover the sun. Therefore, when the moon comes exactly in between the earth and the sun, the portion of the sun around the moon’s periphery will be visible, seen like a ring of fire for a few minutes.

Solar eclipses, especially total or annular solar eclipses will be visible only from a limited part of the earth. On the other hand, lunar eclipses can be seen from all those parts of the earth where the moon is above the horizon during the time of the eclipse.

Thus, sky gazers are highly excited to watch the rare spectacle the upcoming solar eclipse will stage in the sky. If you happen to live in parts of the earth from where the eclipse can be seen, you are fortunate. Do not forget to take the necessary precautions to watch the event safely. If you reside in parts of the globe where this eclipse can’t be seen, never worry, you can watch it on live telecasts as well.


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