More than just a straightforward impact on the residents' physical health, scientists have always worried that the toxic
Just like India,
China launched its ambitious Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan in 2013. This plan tackled industrial emissions and vehicle pollution, and focused on the country’s transition to cleaner energy sources like natural gas and renewables.
The plan's success quickly became evident in both improved air quality and declining suicide rates. Between 2010 and 2021, the annual suicide rate dropped by over 50%, from 10.88 to 5.25 per 1,00,000 people. These findings align with previous research suggesting fine particulate matter —
In fact, researchers estimate that roughly 10% of China's recent decline in suicides can be attributed to improved air quality. This translates to nearly 46,000 suicide deaths prevented between 2013 and 2017 due to the clean air initiative. It may also be important to note that while there was a clear spike in suicide rates following bad air quality events, this effect did not persist beyond a week.
While the study focuses on China, its findings are quite relevant worldwide and especially to our country. Data from the Global Burden of Disease showed that India's annual average PM2.5 exceeded the WHO's safe limit by a whopping 16 times in 2019.
Meanwhile, suicide rates seem to be on the uptick in India as well. NCRB and Lancet study data showed that the country reported the highest number of suicides in the world in 2021.
Since then, several studies have examined the public and health burden of poor air quality on Indian residents. A 2022 Lancet study linked pollution to 2.3 million premature deaths in India in 2019. However, research directly correlating suicide rates with the country’s pollution woes remains non-existent, and thus, no clear connection can be drawn at the moment.
Nevertheless, India has also launched initiatives to combat air pollution, including the
"While there remain many open questions regarding the connections between air quality, mental health and suicide, this analysis adds urgency to calls for pollution control policies across the globe," the paper reads.
The findings of this research have been published in Nature Sustainability and can be accessed here.