Users can now double tap on a message bubble and a small thumbs-up emoji will appear at the bottom of that message. A user can change the emoji for this
Telegram is also rolling out support for "Spoiler Alert" messages that blur out selected portions of text until a user clicks on the option.
Now one can translate any message into another language, right in the app. Enabling Translation in Settings > Language adds a dedicated Translate button to the context menu when selecting a message. One can also exclude any languages you speak fluently - which will hide the translate button for those messages.
Translation is available on all Android devices that support Telegram, but requires iOS 15+ on Apple devices. The list of available languages depends on the user's phone's operating system.
Another new feature is the ability to generate themed QR codes for any users that have a public username, as well as for groups, channels, and bots.
Tap the new QR code icon next to the username of a person (or from a chat's info page), choose the colours and pattern that fit best, then print, post or share your QR code to other apps.
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