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The 10 biggest asteroids that could crash into Earth in 2019

The 10 biggest asteroids that could crash into Earth in 2019
Science1 min read
  • There are over 800 objects in space that could pose a threat to Earth.
  • These are the some of the biggest asteroids that could possible hit the planet in 2019.

At any given moment, there are hundreds of asteroids in our solar system that could potentially crash into the Earth. Some scientists even think that it’s all but inevitable that an asteroid will collide with the planet eventually.

In order to keep that from happening, the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Near Earth Orbit (NEO) Coordination Center and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) are keeping a close eye in the sky.

They monitor the thousands of known asteroids and meteoroids, classifying a few hundred as an ’uncertainty’ or a ‘risk’ if it’s possible that could fall to Earth. As of August, the NEO Coordination Center had 20,502 asteroids on its list with 865 on the risk list.

None of the space objects on these lists are anywhere nearly as big as the asteroid that wiped Earth of the dinosaurs but some of them are definitely big enough to wipe out whole cities.

If they were to break through the planet’s atmosphere, the resulting destruction could be worse than the effects of a nuclear bomb explosion, according to NASA.

Here are the biggest asteroids to watch out for in 2019:


