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The 5 smartest things I did when I started my own company

The 5 smartest things I did when I started my own company

starting a business

Flickr/Mikhail Goldenkov/Strelka Institute/Attribution License

  • Starting a business>$4 presents myriad challenges.
  • Author and entrepreneur Nicole Rollender details the decisions she made that helped get her first business>$4 off the ground.
  • From hiring business coaches to finding the right accountant, here are the five best things Rollender did when she started her company>$4.

I used to tell anybody who'd listen that I'd never work for myself. I loved the comfort of having a boss and working for a company. For almost 15 years, since I graduated with my master's degree in creative writing, I'd always worked for publishing companies.

All that changed a year ago, when my position of 11 years was eliminated. Everyone told me I'd find a new job right away, since I had so much experience as a magazine editor-in-chief and head of multiple departments. That couldn't have been further from the truth. I applied for hundreds of jobs and didn't receive one job offer.

When I was employed and someone would ask what I'd do if I was no longer at my current job, I would say tongue-in-cheek that I'd launch my own company>$4. But in January, after yet another 9-to-5 job interview, I decided I was ready to take a leap of faith, and I launched my own writing services business.

Here are five smart things I did when I started my company>$4.


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