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  4. The climate crisis is inherently unfair. These 9 countries will get hit especially hard as the globe heats up.

The climate crisis is inherently unfair. These 9 countries will get hit especially hard as the globe heats up.

The climate crisis is inherently unfair. These 9 countries will get hit especially hard as the globe heats up.

Nouakchott sand dunes Mauritania


A woman shields her child from the wind while walking on sand dunes in Nouakchott, Mauritania.

  • As climate change $4 and $4, countries will face increasing heat, drought, flooding, and food shortages.
  • But some regions will suffer more than others.
  • Many low-lying Pacific islands could become $4 by the end of the 21st century, and others will face deadly levels of food insecurity.
  • $4

Last year was the $4 and the fourth warmest for the planet overall.

But although climate change is a global phenomenon, its impacts are not spread evenly. The countries that produce the least greenhouse-gas emissions are expected to suffer the harshest consequences. West African nations are expected to face severe food shortages as heat waves cause crop production to plummet, and low-lying Pacific islands are threatened by rising seas.

"We must stop Tuvalu from sinking and the world from sinking with Tuvalu," United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres $4 during a trip to the South Pacific in May.

Here are nine countries expected to be disproportionately affected by heat, food insecurity, and rising sea levels across the globe.


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