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  4. A YouTuber shot a video of a sting from the 'Executioner Wasp,' which he says tops the 'Murder Hornet'

A YouTuber shot a video of a sting from the 'Executioner Wasp,' which he says tops the 'Murder Hornet'

Margot Harris   

A YouTuber shot a video of a sting from the 'Executioner Wasp,' which he says tops the 'Murder Hornet'
  • While people are expressing concern about the potential emergence of "Murder Hornets" in the United States, YouTuber and wildlife expert Coyote Peterson told TMZ that the widespread anxiety surrounding a potential invasion is not warranted.
  • The "Animal Planet" star explained that there is no evidence to suggest that the insects are breeding and spreading across the country, and a potential existing colony is "likely" to be eradicated.
  • The hornet's sting, Peterson said, is not actually the most painful sting in the insect kingdom — that title is reserved for the Executioner Wasp.
  • In 2018, Peterson captured the wasp to experience his sting and uploaded the results to YouTube.
  • $4.

As people adjust to the new normal of surviving a pandemic, Americans are worried they may be facing a new plague. Asian Giant Hornets, known as "Murder Hornets," were spotted for the first time in the United States, The New York Times $4. The "vicious" insect, the outlet said, has a painful and even deadly sting, and it even has the potential to wipe out bee populations around the country.

Wildlife expert and "Animal Planet" star Coyote Peterson, who has racked up a massive YouTube following with his dramatic insect sting videos, says the "hype" surrounding the species may not be warranted.

"We have confirmed one single hornet, that, keep in mind, is also dead at this point, so that doesn't mean that there [are] hornets out there spreading," he told $4, adding that many reports of Murder Hornet sightings are false.

Peterson explained that entomologists in the pacific northwest will be doing an "extensive" amount of research on the topic, and if there is, in fact, a colony that has created a stronghold in the United States, it is likely to be eradicated.

"The odds of these hornets breeding and spreading across the United States is very unlikely," he said.

As for the hornet's sting that $4 likened to "hot metal driving into [the] skin?"

"If you can believe it, that's only the second most painful sting in the insect kingdom. The Executioner Wasp is number one," Peterson said. "But, trust me, it's not something I would wish upon my worst enemy."

The self-described "King of Sting" actually experienced the "number one" sting from the Executioner Wasp in 2018 — and he posted the dramatic result on $4.

After capturing the insect, which he discovered is not even ranked on $4, Peterson readied himself with forceps and an EpiPen in case of a severe allergic reaction. Then he placed the wasp on his forearm.

Upon getting stung, he stumbled backward and clutched his arm, which began bleeding almost immediately.

Within seconds, he was moaning and punching the ground.

"It is burning uncontrollably. I think we've got a new king here," Peterson yelled. "Stop burning!"

He eventually begged his crew to stop filming — and a cameraman described the sting as the worst he'd seen.

"That is the most painful sting I have ever taken," the wildlife expert concluded.

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