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What we know so far about all the planets that may have water in our solar system

Jessica Orwig   

What we know so far about all the planets that may have water in our solar system
Science1 min read

There's a surprisingly large number of celestial bodies in our solar system with liquid water. Still, they're very different from Earth - both in their size and their distance from the sun.

Regardless, where there's liquid water, there's the potential for life, which is why these water worlds are so exciting for astrobiologists.

Most of the places with water aren't even planets, but moons, like Jupiter's beautiful moon Europa. Despite being four times smaller than Earth, Europa is thought by scientists to harbor even more water than all of our home planet's oceans combined!

Check out this cool infographic from NASA that shows the 10 places in our solar system where scientists have either discovered evidence of liquid water or suspect its presence:

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