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You're not eating enough of this nutrient - and it's making you sick

You're not eating enough of this nutrient - and it's making you sick



Does your brain feel foggy during work? Do you always feel tired for no reason? Have you noticed premature balding?

It may be because you aren't eating enough protein. And you're not alone: $4 aren't either.

Why do we need protein? For starters, it's critical for transporting oxygen, preventing blood clots, and repairing cells and tissues. And unlike some other nutrients, it can't be created or stored within our bodies, so we have to consume it through food or supplements.

Here are a handful of scenarios in which you could especially benefit from upping your protein intake.

1. You're trying to lose weight.

A high-protein diet may be the answer for shedding those sticky pounds, particularly if you're older. High-protein foods take a while to digest and metabolize, keeping you fuller longer. They also help you lose fat rather than muscle. It's best to consume protein from a variety of nutrient-dense sources. If you're vegan (or limiting your animal product intake), plant-based sources, such as quinoa, nuts, and ALOHA's $4, are excellent options.

2. You're feeling under the weather.

When you're achy and feverish, your body desperately needs two things: quality sleep and nutrient-packed foods. Both will help you bounce back sooner. Along with maintaining proper fluid balance, protein helps build and repair cells so your body can heal faster. In fact, researchers have found that $4 could actually weaken the immune system.

3. Your hair is falling out.

If you're finding tons of hair in your brush - or all over your shower drain - protein deficiency could be the culprit. Your hair (and nails) are made up of protein, so it's no surprise that you need to eat it to promote healthy hair. And according to the American Academy of Dermatology, if your body doesn't get enough protein, it could ration protein by $4.

4. You have a baby on the way.

Pregnant women need roughly 70 grams of protein a day, compared to the usual 45 grams. Protein is made up of amino acids, the "building blocks" of your body - so your growing baby needs protein too. If you're expecting, you should try to incorporate more protein in your diet, especially in the second and third trimesters. Try ALOHA's $4, which contains 18 grams of protein per serving without any added vitamins, minerals, or flavors.

5. You're injured.

Injuries are common among active people. Not only do you need to commit to RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation), but you should also be extra careful about what you eat. Because your body generally breaks down more protein after an injury, you need to increase your protein intake by 20 to 30 grams.

Get your free trial of ALOHA's plant-based protein powder.>$4

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