Nicholas Carlson

Nicholas Carlson


Latest Stories from Nicholas Carlson

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3 mins read

Most children's books these days are total garb - here are three that are great

Here's the premise: A monkey mom wants to put her kids to sleep. But instead of sleeping, they jump…

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16 mins read

This style guide from 2007 proves Nick Denton's blog invented Web writing

A long list, sure, but it is topped by "interesting" and "funny" and "of interest." If it's funny o…

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3 mins read

Something else is going on with Taylor Swift - and it's ugly

I watch her beautiful face do its talented acting and go - my my, what a large beautiful mouth. I d…

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1 min read

This Cheetah is running 63 mph - but it cannot escape one very dangerous animal

That's quicker than a Ferarri. And look how still it's keeping its head as it runs. The animal look…

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1 min read

Chipotle may be making people sick again

Eric Van Lustbader, a novelist, wrote that his editor spent seven hours in the emergency room. Van …

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1 min read

There's a proven way to get tons more 'likes' on Instagram and Facebook, and all it takes is 9 months

On July 1, and after, my Instagram likes average skyrocketed to 38.4. My lowest total was 17. Sudde…

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4 mins read

The biggest mistake I made with my newborn

The first night, I sent my wife out to eat at a restaurant while I sat next to the baby's crib as h…

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5 mins read

8 things I'm glad I did as a new dad, and one thing I wish I didn't

We didn't want to. It was hard. But he was absolutely refusing to go to sleep until 10:30 every nig…

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1 min read

25 everyday things made obsolete this century

That means we've also said goodbye to some items that were once staples in many people's lives.Let'…

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1 min read

3 brilliant pieces of career advice for anyone who is graduating from college

Figure it out, he did! Hoffman is now the billionaire co-founder of LinkedIn. During those 15 years…

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1 min read

I took a long walk through Hong Kong that I'll never forget

During my walk, I saw a bright green Lamborghini, stood on an escalator that took me across the cit…

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5 mins read

The truth about what it's like to be a new dad: It's terrifying. And boring. (With some good stuff too)

We had a million questions for the pediatrician. They were: Are pacifiers OK for night sleep? What …

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1 min read

Leave your boring pedal boat on shore and try one of these badass watercraft instead

It's when you're on vacation, and there's a lake, and someone asks if you want to get into one of t…

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7 mins read

Why did eating a cashew almost kill my 9 month-old baby boy?

An EpiPen is a drug-delivering needle. It looks like an extra-fat permanent marker. It's full of ep…

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1 min read

11 new inventions that will restore your faith in human ingenuity

Here's 11 inventions to remind you how ingenious we can be.Every backyard should have one of these.

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1 min read

A coloring mistake on this resort map just caused a full-fledged military operation

The military's mission: find the highest point on the island and stick the country's flag in the gr…

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1 min read

This melted cheese restaurant is so popular on Facebook it's basically impossible to get a table

"He's had to hire at least three more people. There have been lines out the door. That line has eve…

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2 mins read

I finally bought a selfie stick, and I don't care how much my loved ones hate it - this thing is great!

When my wife went into a shop to buy some cheap sunglasses, I spent 5 euros on my very first ever s…

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1 min read

One photo convinced me that Daenerys might actually be evil

On the left, you have Jon Snow, watching the 6 guys who stabbed him to death hang. He doesn't look …

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6 mins read

I flew Iberia to Spain and it was the worst airline experience I've ever had

The problems started when we landed at Madrid on Friday morning. By the time we got off the plane, …

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1 min read

11 companies that tried to buy Facebook back when it was a startup

As early as 4 months after Facebook's inception, people with money and people representing companie…

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13 mins read

Jonah Peretti on how BuzzFeed is like an early movie studio and why he encourages 'crushes'

Jonah Peretti: So we're always testing new ideas. One of the things we realized about three years a…

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17 mins read

Facebook's Carolyn Everson on the importance of 'hard conversations'

Everson: But I will ... I will definitely make sure to share that feedback with him. So, Mark is li…

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6 mins read

BLOWS IT, YODA DOES: Here's what I learned when I watched the original 'Star Wars' movies for the first time in 10 years

The first movie is about Han choosing against the Dark Side. I thought the original "Star Wars" was…

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5 mins read

Billionaire investor Yuri Milner says he is going to spend $100 million renting massive telescopes to search for life on other planets

These tools are now reaping a harvest of discoveries. In the last few years, astronomers and the Ke…