Ashutosh Garg
Ashutosh Garg is the Founder Chairman of Guardian Pharmacy the leading wellness retailer in India. He mentors start-ups and is the author of the highly acclaimed books The Corner Office and The Buck Stops Here. He sits on the board of the GAVI Alliance. He worked for ITC Limited for 17 years and for 8 years in the aerospace industry before founding Guardian.
Latest Stories from Ashutosh Garg
Self-Doubts of an Startup Entrepreneur
So if you have self-doubts and questions about why you took the plunge as a startup entrepreneur, r…
These are few HR principles that every entrepreneur should consider while launching startup
While it must always be the objective of every entrepreneur who is working towards building a big b…
12 ways how you should plan your retirement
As I started to plan my own life post retirement, I decided to put down some of the issues that I h…
So you want to be your own boss!
This thought had often crossed my mind as well before I set out on my own and founded Guardian Phar…
The infant mortality of startups-Why startups fail
Every one of all ages is keen to start up something new or to encourage someone to startup somethin…
Understanding scotch – malt whisky from Scotland
Since then, I started on a journey not only to sample and enjoy this fabulous gold liquid but also …
5 easy tips to ace your Twitter and Instagram game
There is absolutely no doubt in the fact that reaching out directly to a group of followers is the …
11 things you should definitely consider before sourcing from China
I first travelled to Beijing in 1989 and have travelled on an average of 3 times a year to various …
The other side of entrepreneurship that no one is ever going to tell you
Your young business will demand your time 24 X 7 and you will be expected to take responsibility of…
Entrepreneurs are optimist players. Here’s everything else you should definitely know about them
So, just who is a startup entrepreneur? In a broad overall sense an entrepreneur is a person who, 1…
Every startup and mentor should follow these golden experiences that will never get old
The message was very simple - Experience Never Gets Old. A majority of Startups all over the world …
Franchising Basics: Everything That Prospective Indian Franchisees Should Know
For most retail businesses, franchising offers an excellent opportunity to grow the brand across a …
6 Ways To Build Your Follower Base On Twitter
Everyone is talking about building a follower base on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. Th…
Why Start-up’s Operating Systems Crumble Under Pressure
I was faced with many such issues as we grew quickly and some of these were: It is quite clear that…
How To Practise Cost Control In Start-ups
It is very easy to spend money and commit additional costs when you are running a start-up. On the …
Looking To Raise PE Funding? Here’s What You Need To Know
Once an entrepreneur has exhausted his funding sources, he needs to turn towards raising equity fro…
What You Must Do When Funding A Start-up
A start-up entrepreneur should try and keep sufficient funds to meet at
least 12 months of projecte…
To Be Successful In A Business You Need To Be Transparent To Your Suppliers
For a start-up company that is growing its business aggressively, cash flow is always tight and the…
Personnel Challenges Faced In A Start-up And How To Overcome Them
One of the biggest dilemmas I faced as I built the company was that I needed good management people…
Startup Losses And Cash Burn. What’s The Difference?
Every new business will lose fresh money. This has to be taken as a ‘given.’ Making a planned loss …
Integrity, Ethics And Honesty Should Be The Most Important Aspects Of An Organisation
Laying the foundation of an honest organisation built with strong integrity and ethics is important…
Sourcing Products From China? Keep These Things In Mind When Trading With The Dragon
Over the past 10 years, imports from China to our country have grown over 400%, and more and more I…
Who Is An Entrepreneur?
The Oxford Dictionary defines the word ‘entrepreneur’ as ‘a person who sets up a business or busine…