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Read these 5 books to introspect and improve on your career, according to career coaches

Read these 5 books to introspect and improve on your career, according to career coaches

India has millions of job seekers entering the workforce every year, and building a career requires persistence and thinking smartly. Every week, Business Insider collates some interesting books to read, giving an outlook on career and professional growth, setbacks and opportunities for the readers. This week we bring interesting books for career enthusiasts.

Here a few of those books.

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hills

Written by Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich is a timeless 1937 novel focussing on the financial aspects of life and people with a capitalist mindset. The book features business people of the 1900 — Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford — on how they fared their career and the key to becoming rich.

Connect The Dots by Rashmi Bansal

Mahima Mehra, Kalyan Varma — Connect the Dots narrates the story of 20 entrepreneurs striving for a business growth — without an MBA. The story showcases how these entrepreneurs moved by the passion to succeed and prove themselves.

Weird in a World That's Not: a Career Guide for Misfits, F*ckups and Failures by Jennifer Romolini

A career guide for the times you feel monotonous and stuck professionally. Weird in a World That's Not advices youngsters to learn to communicate their ambition. It is the story of a woman who is a college dropout, broke and divorced, but ends up running one of the world’s biggest websites.

Stillness Is The Key by Ryan Holiday

The third book of the Ryan’s trilogy, Stillness Is The Key talks about the importance of inner peace, discussing the ability to be focussed, steady and calm. It urges for a productive career with ‘stillness.’

SAVVY! The Young Woman's Guide to Career Success

As the name goes, the book, which features two professionals from Silicon Valley, talks about young women getting career savvy. It discusses the professional disappointments and advice. The book is dedicated to career oriented women in their 20s.


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