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Chandrayaan 2 will aim for the Moon again on July 22

Chandrayaan 2 will aim for the Moon again on July 22

  • The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has rescheduled the launch of Chandrayaan 2 for July 22 at 2:43 pm.
  • India’s second lunar mission was originally planned for July 15 but called off after one of the launch vehicle’s fuel tanks showed a drop in pressure.
  • ISRO has confirmed that all ‘technical snags’ aboard Chandrayaan 2 was been corrected.

$4, India’s bid to be the first country to land on the Moon’s South Pole, is now scheduled for July 22 at 2:43pm. It will still be taking off from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota.

The mission was originally pegged to launch on $4 but the $4 at 56mins when scientists discovered $4 in one of GSLV Mark III-M1’s fuel tanks.

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) officially announced the new launch after confirming that any ‘technical snags’ aboard the GSLV Mark III-M1 have been corrected.

Insiders also $4 the launch would have been initiated has it been any other mission but they did not wish to take any risks with Chandrayaan 2 because of its national and scientific significance.

Why is Chandrayaan 2 a big deal?

India’s second mission to the moon is a milestone for the country since this will make it the fourth country in the world to land on the lunar surface. It will also be the $4 that anyone has gone to the Moon’s South Pole, if the soft-landing goes according to plan.

Vikram, the rover, and Pragayaan, the lander, is also the first time that India has $4

Aside from the records it's going to break, Chandrayaan’s 2 main prerogative is to figure out if there’s really any water on the Moon, how much of it exists and where can we find it.

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