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Every 40 seconds, a person commits suicide says WHO

Every 40 seconds, a person commits suicide says WHO
Science1 min read

  • Every year, as many as 800,000 people commit suicide. And, each death occurs after 20 or more suicide attempts, noted WHO.
  • Suicide It is the second reason behind unnatural death in youngsters between 15-29. Road accidents lead to the highest number of deaths.
  • Southeast Asia, Africa, and Europe have suicide rates higher than global standards. According to WHO, 15 per 100,000 people in India commit suicide.

Before you finish reading this article, three people might have committed suicide. According to a new study by WHO, every 40 seconds, a person commits suicide.

Annually, as many as 800,000 people commit suicide. Every death occurs after 20 or more suicide attempts, noted WHO. In other words, a staggering 16 million suicide attempts take place in a year.

Suicide It is the second reason highest reason that causes behind unnatural deaths in youngsters between 15-29. Road accidents cause the highest number of deaths.

The rate of suicides in Southeast Asia, Africa, and Europe are much higher than global standards. According to WHO, 15 per every 100,000 people in India commit suicide.

The good news is that suicide rates are declining. However,only 38 countries are making the effort needed to prevent suicide.

Declining suicide rate
In six years betwene 2010 and 2016, the global suicide rate came down by 9.8%, said UN health. The United States however is, the only exception, where the numbers grew.

"Globally, 79% of suicides occur in low- and middle-income countries; however, high-income countries have the highest rates of suicide. Incidents are three times higher among men than women in wealthier countries, while these rates are more equal in poorer nations," noted UN.

Note: If you think you need help please consult a therapist or call 022 2754 6669 for help.
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