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How an ad campaign with ‘disruptive content for specific audience’ led to one of KOOVS’ biggest success so far!

How an ad campaign with ‘disruptive content for specific audience’ led to one of KOOVS’ biggest success
so far!
Smallbusiness2 min read

A recently launched multi-channel marketing campaign seems to have struck the right chord with the Indian middle class so much so that it has Gurgaon-based online fashion store KOOVS’ sales jump up to 210 per cent.

The aspirational advertising campaign called ‘STEP INTO KOOVS’ which was launched between Nov 23 and December 31 last year led to a three-fold jump in sales, driven by brand awareness. The online retailer recorded sales of Rs 29.5 crore during the 14 weeks ending 3 January 2016 as opposed to Rs 9.5 crore during the same period last year.

While this first phase of brand-focused, multi-channel marketing campaign increased brand awareness from 1% to 8%, it registered 98% increase in website visits and 75% increase in conversion rates year on year. If that was not enough, the weekly traffic exceeded one million visits per week for the first time; a 40% increase from the start of the marketing campaign, the company announced. It also said it is in the final stages of closing another staged round of fund-raising to the tune of £4 million.

At a time when this online retailer has seen one of its best performances in its bid to become the top choice for the fashion conscious youth of India, we got talking to the man who drove the company to this success. Here’s what Mr Gaurav Nabh, Marketing Director at KOOVS, had to say on the success:

What went behind the decision for coming up with this brand marketing campaign?

Over the last 2 years, KOOVS has been focused on building the right product and experience for the style and fashion conscious youth of India. We have successfully established a loyal and discerning audience, setting the tone for a larger marketing initiative aimed at reaching to a wider audience.

The aim of the campaign was to establish KOOVS as an undisputed authority on affordable western fashion. The idea is to inspire young people to explore, to be creative and enjoy fashion every day

What was it about the new brand marketing campaign that worked in KOOVS’ favour?

The brand campaign featuring an innovative video with targeted supporting media made a very strong start owing to two key things: The content was disruptive and not regular and helped KOOVS to stand out in a crowded market. This in turn helped in creating considerable conversations and buzz. It was specific and targeted to the right audience

What are your future marketing plans for KOOVS? Are you going to play on this or there are other ways you are looking at?

The targeted brand campaign is a first in a series of engagement. We will continue to be relevant to the youth audience in the country and create content that is engaging and innovative to help us stand out of the clutter. This will be supported by a continuation of digital marketing including i-video and social media.

What is your learning from the KOOVS’ evolving journey so far?

No assumptions or hypothesis work in the context of youth in India. Our learning has been to constantly evolve and innovative with formats, mediums and touchpoint to not just build reach but to engage and start conversations.


