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India should be open to accept assistance from China, according to a political scientist

India should be open to accept assistance from China, according to a political scientist

  • China extended its support to help battle Coronavirus in India.
  • According to political scientist Alastair Newton, India should not be scared to accept the help.
  • Even if Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s 21-day lock down works, China’s help could help cushion the financial blow of the health crisis.
  • $4
China extended its support to India and wants to share its own experience of fighting the Coronavirus. And, India is going to need all the help it can get, according to Alastair Newton, a career diplomat and co-founder of Alavan Business Advisory.

“India should not be scared to accept assistance from China. China is doing its best to fix its reputation by handing out large sums to help countries’ need. You need all the help you can get right now,” he told Business Insider after Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the Nation.

During a call between the foreign ministers, China asked India to not “stigmatise” it in the name of the Coronavirus. Even if Modi’s 21-day lock down works, help from China can aid its budget at the end of the day, according to Newton.

Poor households left out of the fray
Last night, the Indian Prime Minister announced a ‘curfew-like’ nationwide lock down for the next 21 days to contain the spread of Covid-19. In addition, he launched a ₹15,000 crore fund to stock up on medical supplies. According to $4, that should be India’s priority right now. It could also help prevent the disproportionate death of medical workers as they treat patients on the frontlines.

“It [Coronvairus] is a major health crisis. The economic crisis is going to happen anyway,” said Newton. However, he is surprised that Modi didn’t announce anything for poor households.

Modi’s 21-day lockdown placed restrictions on people leaving their homes. Last night, many were seen rushing to grocery stores to stock up on essentials. However, daily wagers don’t necessarily have the kind of funds required to make bulk purchases.

“Modi is normally very mindful. I’m surprised. I am quite fearful that we’ve not had an analysis to measure the impact on poor people. We’re going to see some civil unrest,” he said.

Other countries around the world are struggling similarly. Governments are yet to come up with a full proof plan that is backed-up by the required resources. Even in US and Germany, where they have some of the most advanced healthcare systems in the world, the pandemic has been difficult to control. Assistance from China, welcome or not, could help cushion the blow from the pandemic for India.

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