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The lunar eclipse is this Friday and these are five things you have to know

The lunar eclipse is this Friday and these are five things you have to know
  • The second lunar eclipse of the year is going to take place on June 5.

  • A lunar eclipse is when the Earth comes in between the Sun and the Moon, blocking the Sun’s light from reaching the planet’s natural satellite.

  • Here are the answers to the five most commonly asked questions about the lunar eclipse.
The second lunar eclipse, or chandra grahan, of the year, is set to take place on Friday, June 5. The ‘Strawberry Moon’ will darken slightly as the Earth comes in between the Moon and the Sun.

Penumbral lunar eclipses can sometimes be hard to spot. Only the Earth’s outer shadow — the penumbra — falls on the Moon. During a partial or total lunar eclipse the Earth core shadow — either the umbra or the antumbra — casts a darker shadow and is easier to spot with the naked eye.

  1. What does lunar eclipse mean?
    A lunar eclipse is when the Earth’s shadow falls on the Moon as it comes between the latter and the Sun. Since the Moon doesn’t have its own light and only reflects the Sun’s rays — the Earth is able to block the rays from reaching its natural satellite. The resultant darkening of the Moon is what’s known as a lunar eclipse.
  2. What causes a lunar eclipse?
    A lunar eclipse can only occur when there’s a Full Moon in the sky. It is caused by the Earth coming in between the Moon and the Sun to block the latter’s light from reaching the former. The Earth’s shadow on the Moon makes it look like the Moon is hidden in the night sky.
  3. Can you look at a lunar eclipse?
    Unlike a solar eclipse where staring directly at the Sun can cause permanent blindness, it’s perfectly safe to look at a lunar eclipse. You use a telescope or just find a spot with a clear night sky to go stargazing.
  4. What is the difference between a solar eclipse and lunar eclipse?
    A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon aligns itself between the Moon and the Earth. A lunar eclipse, on the other hand, is when the Earth comes in between the Moon and the Sun.
  5. What are the types of eclipse?
    An eclipse is when one celestial body completely or partially blocks the light to or from another. On Earth, we’re witness two types of eclipses — the solar eclipse and the lunar eclipse. They occur when the Sun, the Moon and the Earth align almost perfectly.Further, solar eclipses fall into two broad categories, annual and total solar eclipse. They can only occur when there’s a New Moon in the sky. Lunar eclipses, on the other hand, only happen when there’s a Full Moon in the sky. It can either be a total, partial or penumbral lunar eclipse.
See also:


The ‘Strawberry Full Moon’ lunar eclipse on June 5 will be penumbral — here's how that's different from partial and total lunar eclipses>$4


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