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Know what are the 7 signs and symptoms of high cholesterol in your body

Know what are the 7 signs and symptoms of high cholesterol in your body
Cholesterol, a waxy substance found in your blood, is essential for building healthy cells. However, when levels of cholesterol rise above normal ranges, it can lead to various health issues, including cardiovascular diseases. The challenge with high cholesterol, also known as hypercholesterolemia, is that it often goes unnoticed until complications arise. However, there are subtle signs and symptoms that may manifest on your body, signaling elevated cholesterol levels.

1. Yellowish Deposits Around Eyes
One visible sign of high cholesterol is the presence of yellowish deposits around the eyes, known as xanthelasma. These are fatty deposits that form under the skin, particularly near the eyelids. While not harmful themselves, xanthelasma can indicate elevated cholesterol levels and may suggest an increased risk of heart disease. If you notice such deposits, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and management.

2. Skin Lesions and Yellowish Patches
Another external indicator of high cholesterol is the appearance of yellowish patches on the skin, particularly on the hands, elbows, knees, and feet. These patches, known as xanthomas, result from the accumulation of cholesterol deposits in the skin's layers. Xanthomas can vary in size and shape and may be indicative of underlying lipid abnormalities. Seeking medical advice is crucial if you observe such skin lesions, as they may signify an increased risk of cardiovascular complications.

3. Arcus Senilis
Arcus senilis is a condition characterized by a white or grayish ring that forms around the cornea of the eye. While common in older adults, it can also occur in individuals with elevated cholesterol levels, particularly those above the age of 40. This ring results from the deposition of cholesterol in the cornea's periphery and may suggest the need for cholesterol screening and cardiovascular risk assessment.

4. Swollen or Painful Joints
High cholesterol levels can contribute to the development of conditions such as gout, characterized by swollen, painful joints, typically in the big toe. Gout occurs when excess uric acid crystallizes in the joints, leading to inflammation and discomfort. While not directly caused by cholesterol, individuals with high cholesterol levels may have an increased risk of developing gout due to metabolic abnormalities associated with hypercholesterolemia.

5. Yellowish or Pale Appearance of Eyelids
In addition to xanthelasma, high cholesterol can sometimes cause a yellowish or pale appearance of the eyelids. This discoloration, known as palpebral xanthelasma, may be accompanied by other symptoms such as itching or tenderness. While not specific to high cholesterol, palpebral xanthelasma can serve as a visual clue prompting further investigation into lipid profiles and cardiovascular health.

6. Tenderness or Pain in the Upper Abdomen
Elevated cholesterol levels can lead to the formation of gallstones, particularly cholesterol stones, in the gallbladder. When these stones obstruct the bile ducts or gallbladder, they can cause symptoms such as tenderness or pain in the upper abdomen, often after consuming fatty meals. Gallstone-related discomfort may prompt individuals to seek medical attention, leading to the diagnosis of underlying hypercholesterolemia.

7. Fatigue and Weakness
While not directly visible, persistent fatigue and weakness can be subtle indicators of high cholesterol levels. Elevated cholesterol can impair blood flow to vital organs, including the heart and brain, leading to reduced energy levels and overall lethargy. Additionally, cholesterol buildup in blood vessels can restrict oxygen supply to tissues, contributing to feelings of fatigue and weakness.

High cholesterol is a silent yet significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease, affecting millions of individuals worldwide. While often asymptomatic, certain signs and symptoms may manifest on the body, providing clues to underlying lipid abnormalities. Recognizing these indicators, such as xanthelasma, xanthomas, arcus senilis, and joint pain, can prompt timely intervention and management of hypercholesterolemia. If you notice any of these signs or experience persistent symptoms suggestive of high cholesterol, it's crucial to consult a healthcare professional for comprehensive evaluation and appropriate treatment to mitigate the risk of cardiovascular complications.

Note: The article is based on content generated by AI models like Bard and Chatgpt.


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