During the wake of the New Year 2020, the world confronted a dreadful virus 2019-nCoV, identified as a new member of the class of
coronavirus that is known to cause common cold in humans. The WHO is now spreading awareness on what symptoms to watch for if you want to ascertain the contact of this virus in someone.
Symptoms of coronavirus in patientsPatients so far diagnosed with 2019-nCoV coronavirus are reported with mild or severe respiratory diseases and the symptoms noticed include fever, shortness of breath and cough. Medical experts warn that these symptoms might onset in the subjects in about 2 to 14 days from the date of exposure.
What to do if 2019-nCoV Coronavirus symptoms are noticed
If anyone you know happens to report the symptoms given above under suspected exposure to 2019-nCoV Coronavirus, it is necessary that you call the doctor at once and book an appointment for a detailed investigation.
Useful medical advice for suspected cases of 2019-nCoV Coronavirus attackIf you have been suspected of having contacted 2019-nCoV attack, it is essential that you follow the guidelines issued by the WHO in the good interest of you and the outside world.
- Stay at home except for the sake of getting medical care
Except for the sake of getting medical care, it is advised that you stay at home. Neither the use of public transport nor attending schools and offices is the right thing to do.
To the best extent possible, isolate yourself from the rest of the family members. If possible, use a separate bathroom for yourself. Stay in a room away from the other members.
- Call the medical professional before visiting
Before dropping in at the office of the medical professional, inform the person well in advance to get an appointment so that he or she ensures that other people are prevented from contacting the virus from you.
When you need to be in the same room with other people, wear a face mask. If you can’t wear one, it is necessary for the other people in the room staying with you to wear their own face masks. Also, when you visit a medical practitioner, never forget to wear a face mask.
- Cover your face while coughing or sneezing
Covering mouth and nose with a tissue is necessary while coughing or sneezing. Throw all the used tissues in a lined trash can as soon as possible.
- Wash your hands frequently
Often wash your hands well with soap and water for about 20 seconds. Alcohol based hand sanitizer will work best if you are planning to go for a dry cleaning. Do not touch your nose, eyes and mouth with unwashed hands.
Do not share your utensils, glasses, cups, towels, bedding and other items with other people. After every use, wash them thoroughly with soap and water.
It is essential to get medical care as soon as possible when you feel difficulties in breathing. If you have been diagnosed with 2019-nCoV infection, monitor the symptoms in consultation with the doctor and keep the professional updated of the developments.