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  5. A change in strategy from the CDC could make it hard to know how dangerous Delta is

A change in strategy from the CDC could make it hard to know how dangerous Delta is

Lydia Ramsey Pflanzer   

A change in strategy from the CDC could make it hard to know how dangerous Delta is


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  • The CDC stopped monitoring non-severe COVID-19 cases among vaccinated people in May.
  • It's hard to assess Delta's risk without knowing what mild breakthrough cases look like - or whether they're becoming more common.
  • $4



  • Some people who got the J&J vaccine are seeking mRNA booster shots.
  • The CDC and FDA don't recommend mixing vaccines, but some experts say it can't hurt.
  • $4



  • The Delta coronavirus variant is causing more than 80% of new COVID-19 cases in four US states.
  • Kansas, Arkansas, Missouri, and Connecticut have the highest proportion of Delta cases, Scripps Research data shows.
  • $4


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- Lydia


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