If you are passionate about coding for various reasons including lucrative job opportunities and haven’t got the time for it, then coding apps can help kick-start your programming journey. With these apps, you can learn on the go and at the time of your convenience. Let’s take a look at the best coding apps for beginners in 2022.
Google Play
With Enki, users can learn a variety of programming languages including Python, JavaScript, spreadsheets and Airtable. What makes it standout is the user interface that makes learning easy to learn. Users can track their daily progress and also team up with others to complete the tasks. While most of the learning content is free on the Enki apps, the paid plan offers the entire content.
Google Play
Another application that allows users to learn most programming languages by offering basic to advanced tutorials. It can be leveraged by both beginners and experienced professionals looking to polish their skills. The application can also be used in the browser, allowing users to complete their lessons across platforms with ease. While the basic version is free, the premium version of the app requires payment.
Google Play
With this application again, you can learn several programming languages including Python, JavaScript, Java, HTML, CSS, SQL, Swift, Kotlin, C++, SQL, and PHP. The app gamifies tthe learning with streaks and awards. The app is said to be designed with real-life projects from which users can learn more than just the basics. The free version contains advertisements, while the paid version provides a premium experience across platforms.
Codeacademy Go
Google Play
This is the mobile version of the Codecademy courses. Although you do not get all the features, it can be a good addition to your mobile screens to learn on the go while you are away from your computer. With its flash cards, users can review their learnings and revise past lessons. The app is free-to-use and with its streak feature, you are likely to stay motivated to complete your lessons everyday.
Google Play
The Encode is only available on Android and can help you learn JavaScript, Python, HTML, and CSS on the go. It has an interactive interface that should make learning an enjoyable experience. It starts with the essentials and provides in-depth tips on the subject so you can begin your programming journey with ease. It also offers feedback to enhance your learning experience. It is a free-to-use application.
Google Play
It is a beginner’s app designed to help start your programming journey. The free app can help you learn JavaScript from the basics with fundamental lessons. It has a user-friendly interface with short lessons that makes learning fun. With its rewarding feature, users can be motivated to take more lessons.
Programming Hub
Google Play
Here you have the option of both free and paid courses. The courses come with interesting lessons to make your learning easy. The lessons are designed in a story format and features quizzes to help you assess your learning at the end of each section. The app claims to offer over 5,000 lessons in more than 20 programming languages.