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14 Things Every Woman Should Take Out Of Her Closet And Burn

Dec 4, 2013, 22:23 IST

Theo Wargo/Getty

Like training wheels and braces, at a certain age some things just aren't cute anymore.


In fact, at a certain age, cute is over.

In and outside of the work place, young professional women should dress like they have jobs, pay taxes, and have moved out of the double bedroom on the second floor of their parents house they used to share with their younger sister.

For ladies slugging it out working on Wall Street, this is crucial. You will see your colleagues a lot, and you will need to look sharper and more put together them 100% of that time. Ask any woman that's ever spent a day at an investment bank.

Luckily, this isn't necessarily a hard thing to do.


However, there are a few items all-too-commonly found pieces of clothing in the American woman's wardrobe that can destroy any impression of adulthood or maturity. We've collected a number of them here.

Like, girl. You should never have anything written on your butt.

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