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A Breakdown Of Demographics For The Different Social Media Networks

Mar 5, 2013, 17:58 IST

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Who Are These Social Media Users? (Pew Research)
Pew Research Center took a demographic portrait of users of various social media services. This is what they found:

Twitter: The percentage of Internet users who are on Twitter has doubled since November 2010, currently standing at 16 percent. Those under 50, and especially those 18-29, are the most likely to use Twitter. Urban dwellers are significantly more likely than both suburban and rural residents to be on Twitter.

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Pew Research Center
Facebook: Facebook remains the most-used social networking platform, as two-thirds of online adults say that they are Facebook users. Women are more likely than men to be Facebook users, and Facebook use is especially common among younger adults.

Pew Research Center


Pew broke down demographics for Instagram, Pinterest and Tumblr as well. Read >>

Google+ Can Now Do Things Facebook Can't (The Huffington Post)
For months, Google engineers have been hard at work improving Google+. Now Google+ is turning to outside developers for help super-charging its platform with the launch of Google+ Sign-In. It has the makings of a classic win-win. For developers, there's the potential for an app to "take off" when paired with Google+. For users, the more people who are developing for Google+ features and products, the better Google+ will be. For its part, Google has clearly explained how developers can get started and how this works. With Sign-In, Google brings a social identity system to apps with the ability to share data back-and-forth. But Facebook does that already, right? Facebook Connect? That may be true but Google is offering some things that Facebook doesn't. Read >>

Quantifying Social Media (Social Media Today)
Social Media marketers get absolutely obsessed with engagement figures, whether it’s the retweet count on Twitter or the number of +1’s your brand gets. However, likes and other engagement metrics are only half of the story.

  1. Engagement is important, but it is not everything
  2. Measurement is key
  3. You can quantify return on investment from social media
  4. Help is available
  5. You need to be doing this

If you’re investing in social there’s simply no excuse to not be doing everything you can to track the return on investment from your activity. Read >>

Twitter Not A Reliable Indication Of Public Opinion (Pew Research via Mashable)
Seemingly dozens of startups exist which try to make sense of Twitter sentiment, and Twitter itself has been trying hard to portray its sentiment data as an accurate reflection of public opinion. However, Pew Research Center — among the gold standards of public research polling — says it might be all for naught. Pew compared traditional public poll results with Twitter sentiment data around eight of the most significant political events over the last year, often finding significantly divergent results. Read >>


Facebook Is One Step Closer To Killing The Carriers... (TechCrunch)
Facebook will wage its war against your phone’s "phone" application on a new front with an update to Messenger For Android that adds VoIP calling for Canadians. It’s also improving group messaging. By combining voice-over-data calling with unified instant, asynchronous, and email messaging, Facebook could dominate communication in the developing world. Here’s why this war is worth it. Facebook’s mission to connect the world breaks down into two channels:

  1. Public and semi-public posting to your profile and the news feed
  2. Private communication.

It already hosts a lot of both of those stacks. The big parts that remain out of its grasp are serious email and short-form public publishing like Twitter, SMS and voice. Read >>

...But Facebook Is Becoming Uncool (The Joy of Tech via All Things Digital)
A little parental humor for the day.

The Joy of Tech

Now what are you parents going to do? Read >>


How The Social Internet Changed The World (Best Communication Degrees via Ber|Art Visual Design)
In these heady, modern times, and thanks to the rise of empowering social media platforms you can do anything you like on the Internet. All of which has led to global change, huge shifts in ideologies and an ongoing rethink in how we absorb and process information. Read >>

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