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Anonymous is planning a 'trolling day' against ISIS

Dec 10, 2015, 01:22 IST

Roslan Rahman/AFP/Getty

The hacking collective Anonymous has declared Friday "ISIS trolling day" and is encouraging people to mock the terrorist group online.


Anonymous released a video statement online about its campaign against the terrorist group - which is also known as the Islamic State, ISIL, and Daesh - asking people to take part on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. The operation will use the hashtags #Daesh and #Daeshbags.

"We ask you to show your support and help against ISIS by joining us and trolling them // do not think you have to be part of Anonymous, anyone can do this and does not require special skills," the group said in a statement, according to NBC News.

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The hacking group has already distributed some mocking ISIS memes online, using ducks and goats to make photos of ISIS militants look more comical than intimidating:

Anonymous declared "war" on ISIS after terrorists killed 130 people and injured hundreds more in attacks across Paris last month. Hackers have targeted the social media accounts of ISIS supporters and put an ad for Viagra on a website that supports ISIS.


An ISIS-affiliated channel on the encrypted communications app Telegram released its own statement in response to Anonymous' newest provocation, calling the hackers' previous operations a "miserable failure." The statement then promised to post hacked information about Anonymous leaders.

"Our response will be hard not childish," the statement read.

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