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Donald Trump defends campaign manager accused of manhandling a protester: 'I give him credit for having spirit'

Mar 20, 2016, 19:46 IST

Ralph Freso/Getty Images

Donald Trump defended his embattled campaign manager Corey Lewandowski on Sunday against accusations that Lewandowski grabbed a protester.


During an interview on ABC's "This Week," Trump denied that Lewandowski grabbed a protester during a rally in Arizona on Saturday, and praised his campaign manager for going into the crowd to supposedly remove signs that were critical of Trump.

"I give him credit for having spirit," Trump said. "He wanted them to take down those horrible, profanity-laced signs."

Host George Stephanopoulos asked Trump why his campaign manager was in the crowd interacting with protesters to begin with.

"Security at the arena, the police were a little bit lax, and they had signs up in that area that were horrendous," Trump said.


The former reality-television star has stood by Lewandowski despite several allegations that the campaign manager forcibly removed reporters from campaign events.

Earlier this month, Lewandowski allegedly grabbed Breitbart News reporter Michelle Fields while she attempted to ask Trump a question during a campaign event.

During a speech at his primary night party on Tuesday in Florida, Lewandowski stood next to Trump onstage while he delivered his remarks. And when Trump thanked his family and his supporters, he also congratulated Lewandowski.

"Corey, good job Corey," Trump said.

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