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Dropbox Just Gave A Speed Boost to Its File Transfers

Jul 12, 2014, 06:15 IST
YouTubeDropbox's seamless file-sync technology is perhaps what keeps the fledgling startup alive in the increasingly competitive cloud storage market. In fact, some people think Dropbox's file-syncing technology is exactly what will prevent Amazon from killing their service. Today Dropbox just made their file-sync speed even faster. Dropbox rolled out a new service called Streaming Sync, which, according to the company, will speed up the sync time by as much as 2X. With Streaming Sync, users no longer have to wait for the entire file to be uploaded before accessing it, because it now "streams" data simultaneously from its servers to user devices. The service only works on files over 16MB, so large-file transfers will benefit the most from it. Following Thursday's launch of Zocalo, Amazon's own file-sharing and collaboration service, Dropbox is in position to find a way to further distinguish itself from other competitors. Streaming Sync could be one of the features that make users want to stick to Dropbox's service. You can download the latest Dropbox desktop client here. Here's the how the sync times break down: DropboxDropbox Streaming Sync Speed
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