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WHERE ARE THEY NOW: The cast of 'The Sound of Music' 56 years later

  • Julie Andrews, who played Maria, is now the narrator of "Bridgerton."
  • Christopher Plummer, who played Captain von Trapp, passed away on February 5.
  • Debbie Turner, who played Marta von Trapp, now sells face masks inspired by "The Sound of Music."

"The Sound of Music," the musical drama film featuring the music of Rodgers and Hammerstein, is turning 56 years old on March 2.

Christopher Plummer, the legendary actor who played Captain Georg von Trapp, passed away on February 5 at the age of 91. Following his death, tributes from his former cast members began to pour in.

"The world has lost a consummate actor today and I have lost a cherished friend," Julie Andrews said in a statement, according to Entertainment Weekly. "I treasure the memories of our work together and all the humor and fun we shared through the years. My heart and condolences go out to his lovely wife Elaine, and his daughter Amanda."

Nicholas Hammond, who played Friedrich von Trapp in "The Sound of Music," also shared his condolences on Twitter, writing, "Christopher Plummer showed this [14-year-old] novice actor what acting really was. He never compromised. Every film and every play he did was made better by him. A huge blow to us in the 'Sound of Music' family. We, along with the whole world, will miss him very much."

Here is the cast of "The Sound of Music" 56 years later.
